
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Self Evaluation!

1.     1.  Self- Evaluation
Sometimes when you reach the end of a semester it doesn’t really feel like you’ve learned all that much until you look back and reflect on what you actually did.  That’s how I felt when my time in English 15s at Penn State was coming to a close and I was asked to look back on my time spent in the class.   This is when I realized just how much I did learn this semester.  

I learned how to appeal to my audience.  Especially from writing the blog posts each week, I learned how to use my topic to target a specific group of people and then make sure I stuck with that through the entire piece.  I learned how to write a memoir from listening to examples that my professor had written, and fellow Penn State students had written over the years.  I learned how to analyze an advertisement.  I can now look at all of the different elements such as color, text, font, word placement, highlights, sizing, etc. and understand exactly why it was all done.  I can tell exactly what the creator of the ad wanted me to focus on.  I learned how to review a movie.  My class was required to go to a college-life themed movie festival and pick a movie to review.  After discussing movie reviews in detail in class and looking at a few reviews that my professor suggested as examples, I was able to write a blog post giving a short description and plot summary, describe the special effects and musical choices, list the director, producer and other important factors, and explain why I recommended it to my audience.  I was also able to review a play.  My class went to see “In the Red and Brown Water,” and I had to review that as well.  It was very similar to the movie review assignment but this was cool because I got to see one of the interesting things going on in my campus that I would not have known about otherwise.  I also had to review an arts/cultural experience on campus.  I loved this assignment because it motivated me to go out on campus and explore the many options I have for entertainment.  I chose to review the Jack Johnson concert, which gave me an opportunity to experiment reviewing music, which is something that I love.  The last review we had to do for this class was of an art piece at the Palmer Museum of Art.  I got to talk about something I love so much, art, and describe it in an eloquent way.  I learned how to describe the artwork with meaning while also commenting on the historical significance of the piece.  I’ve never had a blog before, so this class opened me up to a very exciting outlet for my writing.  I think after this class I may create a new blog! 

Not only did this course teach me a lot about writing, reviewing, and creating an advertisement, but it taught me a lot about my school and the community I live in.  I learned about so many cool things going on around me that I never would have known about before.  From poetry readings, to the arboretum, to plays and concerts there is never not something to entertain you at Penn State.  I also learned a lot about myself.  I learned how much I love writing, how much I love my school, and how much I am interested in the arts.  I always knew that I loved making art, but I didn’t realize how interested I was in writing about it.  I’m really excited that I got to take this course, and I’m sad it’s almost over!
2.       2. Blog post comments:
(in the order of newest to oldest)
3.       3. Hi Ms. S-I completed my SRTEs

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